We are based in Eyreton by Swananoa just North of Christchurch, in the South Island of New Zealand. Come and check out our great model flying facilities
We provide:
Personalised goal driven training sessions
A brand new purpose built private studio
New modern fitness equipment
No overcrowding or waiting for equipment
Indoor and/or outdoor Training
Fully qualified REPs registered trainer
Affordable customized training packages
Energised Personal Training guarantees they can offer the right training to meet your needs; whether it be weight loss/toning, form and technique, boxing/kick boxing, posture alignment/reshaping, nutritional and diet guidance, muscle strength/mass or aerobic endurance/recovery.
Hi, I’m Debs Taylor-Hayhurst the facilitator of the Elite6 Waimakariri group, which has been running since June 2013.
Day: Every Thursday
Time: 7:30am – 8:30am (Arrive 7.20am to order a drink and/or breakfast)
Elite6 Waimakariri is an exciting, innovative group which brings local business people together once a week for a networking meeting where ideas are shared, referrals encouraged and people are supported to grow their businesses.
Each week we have guest speakers and/or group discussions which encourage you to think ‘outside the box’ in order to promote and improve your business.
Through the regular networking meetings you will build confidence in public speaking, develop and generate business as well as increase your network of contacts.
Our goal is to bring together hard-working, positive professionals who want to build up the local business community in Waimakariri.
If this sounds like you then come along and check it out!
Look forward to seeing you soon.
Kaiapoi Junior Tennis Club
A Toastmasters meeting is a learn-by-doing workshop in which participants hone their speaking and leadership skills in a no-pressure atmosphere.
There is no instructor in a Toastmasters meeting. Instead, members evaluate one another’s presentations. This feedback process is a key part of the program’s success.
Meeting participants also give impromptu talks on assigned topics, conduct meetings and develop skills related to timekeeping, grammar and parliamentary procedure.
Members learn communication skills by working in the Competent Communication manual, a series of 10 self-paced speaking assignments designed to give you the foundation in public speaking.
Kaiapoi Club Bistro
113 Raven Quay, Kaiapoi 7630
Kaiapoi Junior Basketball Club runs teams in term 1 and term 4 each year.
We cater for years 1-8, boys and girls.
Christchurch, New Zealand
We believe in the value of the work we do, challenging young New Zealanders to be active, extra-ordinary and adventurous...
The Holden Club Canterbury is a club that is full of lovely people and not to mention stunning cars.We meet up for car runs and picnics.
Kaiapoi, New Zealand
Kaiapoi Community Playgroup
Enhancing the play opportunities for pre-schoolers.
Term time only
Walks all over Canterbury
Short walkers: Tuesdays 9am to noon
Medium walkers: Wednesdays 9am to 3pm
Long walkers: Tuesday 8-8.30am
Meet at 55 Charles Street, Kaiapoi
There is also a group called
KAIAPOI NORDIC WALKERS: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Trudy Blakey 03-327-4457
Tues 6-7pm 57 Williams St, above Super Liquor
Wednesday 57 Williams St, above Super Liquor from 6-7pm
Friday 5.30pm -7.30pm 57 Williams St, above Super Liquor
First session free, thereafter $5 per session. Ages from 7 upwards
Sensei Kevin Merriman 6th Dan
The Academy of Seiko-Kai Karate sets the standards for learning traditional and competition karate in Canterbury.Our classes promote more than just a martial art. Indeed they offer each individual the opportunity to partake in a structured programme guaranteed to awaken the hidden potentials of the student. Our philosophy in teaching is based upon old fashioned principles and etiquette.
Our instructors are all first aid trained, child welfare certified and are registered with ‘Karate New Zealand – (KNZ) (the official governing body for Karate in NZ.
Whether it is keep fit, learn self-defence, lose weight, gain confidence, discipline or self-motivation, TASK is here to help.
Meet: Thursday - Meeting Rm One - 9.30am - 2pm
Section Annual Membership: $10.00
Weekly fee for Tea & Coffee $2.00
Section members meet on Thursday mornings and undertake various creative activities such as painting, pencil drawing, card making, cross-stitching, scrap booking or other creative activities.
Visits are made to Artist's Studios and Art Exhibitions throughout the area.
Members and visiting artists provide tuition and support to the group.
The Kaiapoi Brass Band has a very proud history going back 130 years.
We practise each Tuesday night from 7.30 -9.30, at our Bandrooms 9 Stone Street, Kaiapoi. Before a contest we may have extra practices, usually on a Sunday afternoon. We have a wide range of skill levels, as you would expect in a D grade band.
We need players in all sections, but especially cornets, trombones, and base trombone.
If you think you might like to join us, ring one of the band officers, or just come along to a practice and get the feel of the band. We have some instruments we can lend you, so don’t rush out and buy your own. We can also help you with advice on this.
Waka iti Playgroup is a community group held every Tuesday morning from 9.30am to 11.30am during school school terms. $1 entry for children 1yr and over. BYO children's morning tea.Adults morning tea provided.
Every week activities are set up so you can enjoy spending time with your little one(s) painting, building, drawing, creating, reading or having some good conversation with other parents, carers.
67 Fuller Street
The National Scout Museum is in the Conference Wing of the building complex at the "Blue Skies" Conference and Training Centre in Kaiapoi - North Canterbury.
It has a permanent display detailing the history of Scouting in New Zealand starting from Baden Powell's story and his founding of the movement, before covering the origins of Scouting in New Zealand. Kaiapoi features strongly in the New Zealand history of Scouting being where the first Scout Patrol is reputed to have been formed and early camps were held at Woodend where today a memorial cairn is located. There were many unique aspects that were introduced by Col D.Cossgrove (the first Dominion Chief Scout) who taught at the school in Tuahiwi, such as Peace Scouts, Bull Pups, and Empire Sentinels. It then covers the various age group sections and major activities of the movement. In addition to the permanent display, the museum has an extensive specialized collection of a wide array of Scouting material.
Queries and research within the collection is undertaken on request by a team of volunteer staff.
Sunday from 1pm to 4pm or alternatively by arrangement. Guided tours can be provided, also by arrangement.
An amazing new daycare opening soon in Mandeville, Christchurch in January 2018.
Walks all over Canterbury
Short walkers: Tuesdays 9am to noon
Medium walkers: Wednesdays 9am to 3pm
Long walkers: Tuesday 8-8.30am
The "Menz Shed" is open Tuesdays and Thursdays 9.00 am til 1.00 pm , Dale Street,
The purpose of the Kaiapoi Menz Shed (legal entity - Menz Shed of Kaiapoi Trust, Charitable Trust - Reg:CC49478, 5/7/2013) remains unchanged and is to create a meeting place that will facilitate personal and community based projects, in the aftermath of Canterbury’s Earthquakes. The Menz Shed provides an opportunity to regain control over a small part of their lives, through friendship, support, and the application of practical skills. The initial objective has been further cemented by the establishment of a constitution reflecting the aims of the National body - Menzshed New Zealand Incorporated (2587223) registered under the Incorporated Societies Act 1908 on 3 September 2013.
A community food forest provides an abundance of food for residents and those that wish to visit to gather – fruits, vegetables, herbs and medicinal plants by way of a layered permaculture companion planting system.
Imagine wandering through a flourishing forest where almost every plant is edible and all plants serve a purpose.
The Waimakariri District Council is going to lease 1.5acres of land to the Kaiapoi Food Forest Trust to develop a food forest.
A food forest functions as a healthy closed-loop ecosystem, with each organism playing a role. Each element of the system supports the whole. The many relationships happening in an ecosystem are imitated in a food forest which:
• builds soil and accumulates nutrients
• self-fertilizes, self-mulches, self-regulates
• produces food, fiber, medicine, materials, fodder and more
• Sequesters Carbon, offsetting climate change
• provides habitat for all living organisms
• supports pollinators and beneficial insects
• protects and enhances biodiversity
We want volunteers...if you would like to help please give us a call... or visit during our volunteer days which is most Wednesdays from 4pm till around 6pm
Kaiapoi Riverside Bowling Club.