
Physiosouth Kaiapoi
Business Name
Business Genre
Business Description

PHYSIOSOUTH is a company with a core focus on providing physiotherapy services in the community. PHYSIOSOUTH is one of the largest providers of private physiotherapy in the South Island. We operate in community clinics within or near to medical centers or in large modern gyms, which are used for rehabilitation and exercise prescription. We believe in a continuum of care from early management to complete rehabilitation and return to function. Improved function or lack of disability is the key physical outcome at PHYSIOSOUTH. We also believe in promoting positive lifestyle and activity changes, beyond a simple return to work, sport or life level of achievement.

Business Website Address
Business Phone Number
03-327 9966
Business Address
6/77 Hilton St, Kaiapoi 7630
Kaiapoi Physiotherapy
Business Name
Business Genre
Business Description

Kaiapoi Physiotherapy is an ACC endorsed provider of Physiotherapy services.
Accredited Practice.
No referrals necessary.
Locally owned and operated.
Based in the heart of Kaiapoi, serving the North Canterbury community.
Call Craig and the team at Kaiapoi Physio for an appointment

Products & Services

  • Physiotherapy
  • Spinal
  • Sports
  • Post Injury Rehab
  • Orthopaedic Rehab.
Business Website Address
Business Phone Number
03-327 8738
Business Address
Kaiapoi Health Centre, 42 Charles St, Kaiapoi 7630
Facebook Page
Total Health Physio and podiatry
Business Description

Teresa Hoult has built and run several successful physiotherapy practices across Canterbury.

Teresa’s medical and practice management experience ensure you will have all the care you need, when you need it.

Pilates - is a lot of interest here - probably looking to do one night time class 7-8 Monday or Thursday and a daytime - maybe Tuesday or Thursday 0900-1000 or so. Classes would be a max of 6 - 8 people once I figure the floor space - booked for a 5 week block for $75 for the five weeks whether you make the class or not. Keen to know peoples preference for days and times.

I will be working close on fulltime at Silverstream for the next couple of months - approx hours 8-8 Mon and Thurs and 0900 - 1500 ish the other days - is some flexibility here. Another senior level physio will join us in Oct who will take over the shorter days from 0900 - 1445. Potentially as we grow another physio that I have done a lot of work with will join us as well - maybe after Xmas.

Hugely privileged to have a comprehensive team of senior level physios who will be working from Silverstream to provide full physio and rehab service. Coupled with Corrie doing podiatry - Silverstream will become a one stop shop for your health needs.

All feedback be it positive or negative is gratefully received - feedback is simply how we grow our service to meet the needs of the community. Cheers Teresa

Business Website Address
Business Phone Number
03 595 0602
Business Address
Silverstream, Kaiapoi
Julie Shepherd – physio & acupuncture
Business Description
Home-based physiotherapy practice, recently moved from Tauranga to Kaiapoi
Highly experienced skillful physiotherapist
Friendly atmosphere
Competitive fees
All aspects musculoskeletal physio
Business Website Address
Business Phone Number
(03) 4210119 or (027) 7170759
Business Address
197 Williams Street, Kaiapoi 7630
Facebook Page