Sports and Interest clubs

Hinemoa – Kaiapoi Hockey Club
Business Genre
Business Description

Kaiapoi Hockey

Hinemoa Kaiapoi Hockey Club is a family friendly hockey club based in Kaiapoi, North Canterbury. We are the oldest hockey club in New Zealand.

Our aim is to provide the sport of Hockey for the enjoyment of those who want to learn and participate in the game.

Business Phone Number
(03) 327 2425
Business Address
Kaiapoi Park, Smiths Street, Kaiapoi
Postal address c/- 9 Greens Road, RD1 Kaiapoi 7691
Facebook Page
Kaiapoi Junior Tennis Club
Business Genre
Business Description

Kaiapoi Junior Tennis Club

Business Phone Number
Call Lois 0211330154
Business Address
Sewell Street, Kaiapoi
Facebook Page
Waka iti Playgroup in Kaiapoi
Business Genre
Business Description

Waka iti Playgroup is a community group held every Tuesday morning from 9.30am to 11.30am during school school terms. $1 entry for children 1yr and over. BYO children's morning tea.Adults morning tea provided.
Every week activities are set up so you can enjoy spending time with your little one(s) painting, building, drawing, creating, reading or having some good conversation with other parents, carers.

Business Website Address
Business Phone Number
Business Address
Kaiapoi baptist
67 Fuller Street
Facebook Page