Churches and Religious groups

St Patrick’s, Kaiapoi
Business Description

Following the House of God document (below) a more substantial publication has been released responding to the request of many parishioners for more formation, detail and direction.

It will be most usefully read in conjunction with The House of God document.

This document seeks to communicate the spirit of the liturgy and therefore focuses on factors that need to be taken into account when designing and building, restoring or re-ordering a Catholic church. The practical details offered enable this good formation to be easily and meaningfully implemented in a newly built or re-ordered

Business Website Address
Business Phone Number
03-313 6285
Business Address
61 Fuller Street
Kaiapoi 7630
New Zealand
Gospel Way Outreach
Business Name
Business Description

We are an Old Fashioned Full Gospel Country Church. We believe the Bible is divinely inspired and is the supreme authority in all matters of faith and conduct in a person’s life.
WE believe in the SINFUL nature of the human race because of the fall of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, and of God's love, mercy and grace, which shows us the way of redemption.
We believe in REDEMPTION from our sin by the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, the incarnate Son of God, and His personal return in power and glory.
We believe in the INDWELLING and sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit in the believer.
We believe in the ONE TRUE AND LIVING GOD manifested in three offices, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

We also believe that God was faithful to fulfil scripture in our day sending us a prophet, “BEFORE THE GREAT AND DREADFUL DAY OF THE LORD”. Some would say why do we need to have a prophet for today?

Business Website Address
Business Phone Number
(03) 327-3888
Business Address
36 Charles Street
Or P.O. Box 392
Kaiapoi, New Zealand
Riverside Christian Fellowship
Business Description

To establish, equip & empower followers of Jesus who engage and impact the community and beyond,

Our Values

Values tend to influence attitudes and behaviour. The following core values define who we are and what we are committed to.

  • Word of God – We value the Bible as our final authority for living.
  • Lordship – Because Jesus is Lord we believe that wholehearted submission to Gods will and His word is the foundation for spiritual growth.
  • Prayer – We prioritise prayer and believe in its power.
  • Community - We value being a church that has authentic Christian community across cultures and generations.
  • Family – Because families are God’s design we seek to empower marriages and families within the church and the wider community.
  • Discipleship – Because Jesus called us to make disciples, we are passionate about establishing biblical foundations in believers' lives and raising them to maturity in Christ.
  • Spirit - Empowered – We love and value the presence of God in our gatherings and seek to raise a people who are witnesses for Christ, and reliant on the Holy Spirit to empower and guide them in life.
  • Gospel - The Gospel changes lives forever. The Gospel is the good news that through Jesus the power of God’s kingdom has entered history to renew the whole world.
  • Serving – We are a church that values service beyond self and are committed to raising people who serve others inside and outside the church sacrificially with their time, gifts and resources.
  • Influence – We are a church empowered for Kingdom influence in Waimakariri and beyond.
Business Website Address
Business Phone Number
03-327 6917
Business Address
45 Charles St, Kaiapoi 7630
Kaiapoi Baptist Church
Business Description

Our Aim

is to be a community of people who love God with a passion; love others as much as ourselves; and help people become lifelong followers of Jesus Christ

Our Story

began back on the 21st of May 1899. Since then the church has had a strong commitment to making a positive difference in the Kaiapoi Community

Our People

are a diverse bunch covering many ages, stages, ethnicities, and cultures. All are welcome at our gatherings and our many midweek programs. We also employ two pastors and an office manager.

Business Website Address
Business Phone Number
(03) 327 8347
Business Address
67 Fuller St, Kaiapoi 7630
Anglican Parish of Kaiapoi – St Bartholomews
Business Description

We warmly welcome you to the Anglican Parish of Kaiapoi.  We are part of a group of Anglican churches that include  Kaiapoi, Eyreton, Ohoka and Clarkville.

We seek to be followers of Christ who are fully committed to God, to each other and to the community that we live in and serve.

We believe that people matter to God and they matter to us. It is our prayer that you will find a warm spiritual home among us.

Business Website Address
Business Phone Number
(03) 327 7084
Business Address
23 Cass St, Kaiapoi, New Zealand
Kaiapoi Cooperating Parish – The Methodist Church of New Zealand
Business Description

Mission Statement: Our Church's Mission in Aotearoa New Zealand is to reflect and proclaim the transforming love of God as revealed in Jesus Christ and declared in the Scriptures. We are empowered by the Holy Spirit to serve God in the world. The Treaty of Waitangi is the covenant establishing our nation on the basis of a power-sharing relationship, and will guide how we undertake mission. In seeking to carry out our mission we will work according to these principles.

Ko te putake a to tatou Hahi Weteriana i Aotearoa nei, he whakakite atu, he kauwhau hoki i te aroha whakatahuri o te Atua, he mea whakaatu mai i roto i a Ihu Karaiti, me nga Karaipiture. Ko te Wairua Tapu e whakakaha ana i a tatou kia tu maia ai hei tuari ma te Atua i roto i te ao. Otira, ko Te Tiriti o Waitangi te kawenata e whaka o rite ana i ta tatou noho hei tangata whenua, hei tauiwi hoki, ki tenei whenua. Ma tenei Tiriti tatou e arahi i roto i nga whakariterite o tenei whakahau, tono hoki, ki roto ki te ao.

Business Phone Number
03-327 7082
Business Address
53 Fuller St, Kaiapoi 7630
Equip Conference
Business Name
Business Description

During the conference, we gather each morning and evening to sing praises to our great God and to hear his word taught. In 2016, Jay Behan will be opening up Genesis 37-45 and Nick Duke will be teaching from 1 John.

In small groups we learn how to prepare and write Bible studies, and receive encouragement and feedback from experienced leaders. We also spend time thinking through practical aspects of Christian ministry such as evangelism, discipleship, youth work, personal holiness and much more. There's no better way to start the year than being grounded in God's word, equipped to serve him and his people, and inspired by a community of Christian brothers and sisters from around the country.

This year the Equip Conference will run both in the North Island and the South Island:

South Island: 4-8 January 2016 @ Kaiapoi

We'd love to have you join us. Visit our website for more information and to register.

Business Website Address
Business Address
Kaiapoi High School, Ohoka Road, Kaiapoi
Facebook Page