Landscaping, Lawns, Trellis and Garden Maintenance

Woodend Nurseries
Business Name
Business Description

Woodend Nurseries is a North Canterbury company established in 1985, boasting a passionate staff with 132 years combined knowledge and experience.We are one of the few independent nurseries left in the country under the leadership of respected nurseryman Stuart Hide. The company has expanded over recent times, with an extensive selection of high quality, locally grown plants on just over two and a half acres. We specialise in Fruit, Edibles, Shrubs, Trees, Hedging, Forestry and Shelter. We also have a range of Perennials, Annuals, Roses and Dry Goods. Our range of Fruit Trees, Edibles, and Deciduous Trees is the largest in Canterbury, so you will be sure to find just what you are looking for, or we can source it for you!

By dealing with us your local grower, you will be purchasing plants that we have produced ourselves and are hardened to the environment. We only grow the best performing varieties that are suited to our Canterbury conditions. In selection we look for autumn colour, pest and disease resistance, suitability to climate and soil conditions and the height of the mature plants, just to name a few. Other factors that we also take into consideration when growing a plant, are sucker prevention, early fruiting ability, sturdier and straighter growing plants, form and vigour. Woodend Nurseries also specialises in fruit trees, selecting varieties for their suitability of the Canterbury climate, pest and disease tolerance, pollinating ability, fruit quality and quantity.For all plants we strive to grow only the best commercial varieties, so you are choosing the very finest quality available, and we back that up with an in-depth level of expertise.

Business Website Address
Business Phone Number
Business Address
42 Chinnerys Road, Woodend, 7610, North Canterbury
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