Mission Statement: Our Church's Mission in Aotearoa New Zealand is to reflect and proclaim the transforming love of God as revealed in Jesus Christ and declared in the Scriptures. We are empowered by the Holy Spirit to serve God in the world. The Treaty of Waitangi is the covenant establishing our nation on the basis of a power-sharing relationship, and will guide how we undertake mission. In seeking to carry out our mission we will work according to these principles.
Ko te putake a to tatou Hahi Weteriana i Aotearoa nei, he whakakite atu, he kauwhau hoki i te aroha whakatahuri o te Atua, he mea whakaatu mai i roto i a Ihu Karaiti, me nga Karaipiture. Ko te Wairua Tapu e whakakaha ana i a tatou kia tu maia ai hei tuari ma te Atua i roto i te ao. Otira, ko Te Tiriti o Waitangi te kawenata e whaka o rite ana i ta tatou noho hei tangata whenua, hei tauiwi hoki, ki tenei whenua. Ma tenei Tiriti tatou e arahi i roto i nga whakariterite o tenei whakahau, tono hoki, ki roto ki te ao.
Our Aim
is to be a community of people who love God with a passion; love others as much as ourselves; and help people become lifelong followers of Jesus Christ
Our Story
began back on the 21st of May 1899. Since then the church has had a strong commitment to making a positive difference in the Kaiapoi Community
Our People
are a diverse bunch covering many ages, stages, ethnicities, and cultures. All are welcome at our gatherings and our many midweek programs. We also employ two pastors and an office manager.
Following the House of God document (below) a more substantial publication has been released responding to the request of many parishioners for more formation, detail and direction.
It will be most usefully read in conjunction with The House of God document.
This document seeks to communicate the spirit of the liturgy and therefore focuses on factors that need to be taken into account when designing and building, restoring or re-ordering a Catholic church. The practical details offered enable this good formation to be easily and meaningfully implemented in a newly built or re-ordered
Kaiapoi 7630
New Zealand
We warmly welcome you to the Anglican Parish of Kaiapoi. We are part of a group of Anglican churches that include Kaiapoi, Eyreton, Ohoka and Clarkville.
We seek to be followers of Christ who are fully committed to God, to each other and to the community that we live in and serve.
We believe that people matter to God and they matter to us. It is our prayer that you will find a warm spiritual home among us.