Air Fresheners

Bradfield Marketing
Business Name
Business Genre
Business Description

Bradfield Marketing is innovative in designing & manufacturing modern automotive air fresheners, which we currently supply throughout New Zealand & Australia. We are a market leader in sachet-type air fresheners, of which “Bradfield’s Fragrant Sachets” - our leading brand - are supplied throughout Australasia. Check out our 9 new flavours!

Bradfield Marketing has been around for nearly 20 years, with the original owner and founder Paul Bradfield selling the business to Matthew and Gabrielle Sullivan in December 2014 making them the new leaders to take the business to the next level.

Matt has had a successful Accounting and Business Management career and is now full time in Bradfields using these skills daily. His responsibilities include General Management, Finance and Production.

Gabrielle has extensive experience in running small businesses. She brings a wealth of experience within the marketing and sales discipline. These skills are being put to use with Bradfields and her major area of responsibility is Sales, where she is backed up by local agents and a tele-sales team.

They are both passionate animal people with a hoard of animals living with them in their Canterbury home. Running Bradfield Marketing is something they love, working long hours to bring fabulous products to their customers

Business Website Address
Business Phone Number
Business Address
Unit 1, 13a Stone St
Kaiapoi 7630
Christchurch, New Zealand