Welcome to Kaiapoi ITM Building Centre, a member of ITM, New Zealand's largest group of Independent Timber, Hardware & Building Supply Merchants. Here at Kaiapoi ITM we take great pride in providing all our customers with a high level of personal service, the kind of service your granddad used to receive at his local hardware store, where he was always greeted by his first name. Here at Kaiapoi ITM we will make that effort and provide you with the service you deserve without you paying the extra cost.
We can supply building materials for almost any job be it a full Commercial/Trade or D.I.Y Project with full support from suppliers such as Winstone Wallboards, James Hardie, Tasman Insulation, Wattyl, Firth, Marley, PSP-JSC and Makita just to name a few, we can source almost any product you need.
Onsite we also have over 123 bays of timber in our drive thru including boxing grades, outdoor treated, rough sawn, dressed, kiln dried framing and dry dressed finishing timber. Also stocked is a good range of fence posts, rails, palings, pickets, together with macrocapa sleepers, retaining wall timbers and decking.