The Kaiapoi Brass Band has a very proud history going back 130 years.
We practise each Tuesday night from 7.30 -9.30, at our Bandrooms 9 Stone Street, Kaiapoi. Before a contest we may have extra practices, usually on a Sunday afternoon. We have a wide range of skill levels, as you would expect in a D grade band.
We need players in all sections, but especially cornets, trombones, and base trombone.
If you think you might like to join us, ring one of the band officers, or just come along to a practice and get the feel of the band. We have some instruments we can lend you, so don’t rush out and buy your own. We can also help you with advice on this.
I do everything here from concept design through to making and selling my work. I turn clay into usable and beautiful objects that will last more than a lifetime. I also take all the classes and workshops here at my new studio space The Pottery Place in Kaiapoi, North Canterbury.
Kaiapoi Theatre Company bring professional level acting to the community for a reasonable price.
We aim to provide 2 shows a year of which one will be a play and the other a variety show.
Meet: Thursday - Meeting Rm One - 9.30am - 2pm
Section Annual Membership: $10.00
Weekly fee for Tea & Coffee $2.00
Section members meet on Thursday mornings and undertake various creative activities such as painting, pencil drawing, card making, cross-stitching, scrap booking or other creative activities.
Visits are made to Artist's Studios and Art Exhibitions throughout the area.
Members and visiting artists provide tuition and support to the group.